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  • Super Punchout - by AudioZan


    Super Punchout is the sequel to the popular NES boxing game Mike Tyson's Punchout, minus the ear-biting, child eater. Both feature animated 2d opponents that use cartoony techniques and weapons that would be outlawed in real life. Wooden staffs, headbutts, and teleportations make both games much more exciting then a regular boxing match.

    Graphics [9.5/10]:

    The character animations are incredible and a huge leap over the original. It feels like you were thrown right into a cartoon/anime. The crowd in the background is great for SNES and the flashing light effects kick ass. Your player even becomes transparent so he doesn't block your view. The only thing missing from the original was the Rocky-style cutscenes where your manager has you running down New York City. Back in the NES days those scenes seemed spectacular and would have been even better on SNES.

    Music and Sound [8/10]:

    Compared to some other SNES games like Super Metroid, the voices in Super Punchout sound great. The referee's number counting and your character's victory soundbites are as clear as an 80s cartoon show. The little theme songs of each boxer are ok, but nothing special. Also, the music during the action could have been more intense.

    Game Play [10/10]:

    This is where the game shines. Agility is your only hope in this game and lucky for you the speed and reflexes are perfect. The dodging strings are a lot more complex then the original; instead of just sidestepping, you sometimes have to duck, block your face, and block your body. The new rapid super punches and power meter are much better then the star system. There are no more repeating bosses this time, one of the cheap effects used in a lot of NES games.

    Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

    Super Punchout has one of the best learning curves out of any game I've ever played. There aren't any sudden increases in difficulty and the whole thing is smooth and gradual. The only problem is that it became a little too easy. There wasn't any super powerful boss like Mike Tyson here and you'll probably beat the whole game within an hour, if not a half hour. The time trial modes don't make you want to play the game again. A splitscreen multiplayer mode would have more then tripled the replay value, maybe we'll see an even more impressive sequel in the future.

    Overall/Conclusion [8.5/10]:

    Super Punchout's graphics and controls are perfect, but its shortness and lack of difficulty make it more of a rental then a purchase. If you're looking for a fun, short little game to fill some time, this is the top choice. You would have to have a lot of friends that love SNES and competing for high scores for this to last more then a week.

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